We’re throwing a party, but not just any ol’ party – thee party of the Spring!! Bee Regenerative’s spring gala is themed, "Pollination: Beyond the Bloom" and it’s not only an invitation for you to support our “Bee Friendly Vineyards” initiative, but an opportunity to lean into your artistic and creative side.
Bee Regenerative will be hosting the event at Enclave, a community-centered studio collective that features five working artists here in Ashland, Oregon. We want you to come and celebrate spring with us and we want to see what kind of over-the-top fashion statement you can make!
What is your interpretation of “Pollination: Beyond the Bloom”? A wide brimmed hat, dripping with flowers? A beehive hairdo with real bees? A suit made of turf and lawn daisies? Will you be a giant peach? You could dust off your “Beekeepers Ball” costume! Or perhaps you’ll celebrate the program you’re supporting and come as Dionysus, the Greek God of wine? Have so much fun looking through Met Gala photos for inspiration and let your imagination run wild with your interpretation of the theme!
The event will be part of the Ashland Gallery Association’s “First Friday Art Walk,” on April 4th kicking off at 6pm and wrapping up around 9pm.
The $20 ticket price will include bee friendly wine ffrom Mariah Vineyard, Weisingers, and Sound and Vision AND seasonal and locally farmed hors d'oeuvres crafted by Jefferson Farm Kitchen, music by “DJ Sparklepants” (aka the talented Danielle Kelly), and an incredibly fun opportunity to exhibit your own creativity while being surrounded by art exhibitions from the Enclave artists (and the opportunity to meet and chat with the artists about their work).
In addition - we'll be doing a WINE PULL!! Walk away with great bottles of local wine while supporting Bee Regenerative.
Join us this spring to support Bee Regenerative’s mission to create a world where bees enrich our working landscapes and our lives, and nourish yourself with bee friendly wine, food, friends, and your art community.
More about Bee Regenerative @ www.beeregenerative.org
More about Enclāve @ https://ashlandgalleries.com/products/enclave-studios
Interested in volunteering at the gala? Contact Ginelle (at) bee regenerative.org / 541-708-1127
Outfit Inspo
Contact ginelle (at) beeregenerative.org / 541-708-1127 for sponsorship opportunities.