Where The Wild Bees Are
The BGO squad spent every week during bee season for five years; watching nature heal, regenerate, function, and thrive at the award winning Whetstone Savannah Vernal Pool Restoration Project. Our role was to observe and monitor the pollinators and their flowers on the 200-acre project site - providing information to the restoration leaders, so they could make data-informed management decisions.
Below you will find a collection of graphics exhibiting the bees and flowers on the site, and the relationship between them.
Figure 1: Total observed bee visits per flower 2019-2021
Figure 2: The beautiful and complex web of bees and their flowers observed from 2017-2021
Gallery: Use the arrows to click through each slide to see the individual connections between the flowers each bee was observed pollinating, and the bees each flower was observed supporting.
Figure 1
Figure 2

Data collection: BGO Field Squad
Data analysis: Sarah Red-Laird
Graphic design: Shannon O’hehir
Project wetland specialist: Paul Benton