H.R.6368 - Indian Buffalo Management Act
I just I submitted support for H.R.6368 - Indian Buffalo Management Act.
Congressman Doug LaMalfa and six bi-partisan co-sponsors have introduced this bill that establishes a program within the Department of the Interior to develop and promote tribal ownership and management of buffalo and buffalo habitat on Indian lands.
Specifically, the bill requires Interior to (1) enter into contracts, award grants, and provide technical assistance to Indian tribes and tribal organizations for activities related to buffalo restoration or management; (2) consult with tribes and tribal organizations on initiatives that affect buffalo or buffalo habitat, including efforts to contain or eradicate diseased buffalo; and (3) develop a policy relating to buffalo and buffalo habitat management activities on Indian land.
Additionally, Interior may enter into agreements with tribes or tribal organizations to transport surplus buffalo from federal land onto Indian land.
Here is a snippet of my letter to my Representative:
"My org is a proud member of the National Bison Association (NBA) and since 2014, the NBA and the InterTribal Buffalo Association (ITBC) have supported each other in joint efforts to restore buffalo to private and tribal lands.
This bill matters to my org because Bee Regenerative’s data shows that bison create and sustain floral resources, nesting habitat, and clean water through their unique grazing and wallowing behaviors. The restoration of well-managed buffalo to tribal lands could quite possibly sustain, or increase, native and honey bee populations. As bee populations are struggling – unique habitat restoration initiatives such as HR 6368 could be crucial to their survival.
It is very basic legislation intended to assist Indian tribes in reestablishing buffalo herds on their reservations. As you may know, at one point there were over 30 million buffalo that roamed our great country and those buffalo sustained many tribes and their members for thousands of years. Due to overhunting by buffalo hunters, the species nearly became extinct..."
If you feel moved to - I encourage you to contact your member(s) of congress and encourage them to ensure it is taken up on the House floor.
Thank you!!
Click here to follow the bill.
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Click here for a word doc of my full letter of support, written from a National Bison Association template. Feel free to copy and personalize!